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Ferncliff Scorchin' Squirrel Trail Run(10k, 11m, 15m, 20m)

Ferncliff Scorchin' Squirrel Trail Run(10k, 11m, 15m, 20m)

2024 Registration

When:  8.19.23 7:00 am-1 pm.  $30 online. Kids 8 and under are free!

What:  The Scorching’ Squirrel is a trail race through Ferncliff Camp and Conference Center’s 1200 acres located just 10 miles west of Little Rock.  There are 4 distance options: a 10k (1 loop), 11.5 mile (2 loops), 15.5 mile (3 loops) or 19.5 mile (4 loops). All distances are approximate.  Each loop passes through 1 full aid station and one water drop.   There will be refreshments at the end with a cook out at the pool.  Please bring stuff to share although Fleet Feet Little Rock and Ferncliff will provide burgers and hot dogs.  We will begin serving food at 10 AM.  No glass containers please.  No pets.

This is a great race for heat training and for trying out trail running with the shorter distances.  There is quite a bit of incline throughout the course and a few water crossings in wet weather.

All the distances end back at the start of the race, which is at the Ferncliff pool pavilion.  The pool will be open after the race.  It has a large covered pavilion and runners can cool off and enjoy some food and refreshments.  There are lots of changing stalls.

Any proceeds from the event will support Ferncliff Camp and Conference Center.  If you’d like to reserve lodging the evening before the event call 501-821-3063 to reserve a room or cabin.

It takes about 25 volunteers to do this event right.  Would you like to volunteer and have a great time supporting runners and get a free t-shirt?  If so please fill out this very brief volunteer application:

T-shirt order date has passed however you may be able to  purchase a t-shirt on race day if we have shirts available  but we can’t guarantee it.

Click Here to view the approximate route:

Strava course map for one loop completed:

All distances begin: 7:00 am with a  6:50 am Mandatory Race Briefing

Race Location:  1720 Ferncliff Rd, Little Rock, AR 72223

Race Director:  Joel Gill          501.772.9707    

Thank you to our friends at Fleet Feet Little Rock for sponsoring this event and supporting Ferncliff!
